Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile, Enhance Your Life: Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale

Missing teeth can impact your life in more ways than you might think. Beyond the aesthetic concern, missing teeth can affect your ability to chew properly, leading to digestive issues. They can also cause your facial structure to change, sometimes making you appear older than you really are. While we normally associate missing teeth with older adults and think dental implants are for seniors, dental implants  are a fantastic tooth replacement option patients of all ages seeking a reliable and permanent solution to missing teeth.  You do not have to find a dentist for seniors for your dental implants, but you should find a dentist who has experience and skill in dental implants and dental implant crowns.

Excellence in Dentistry, led by Dr. Nancy Rotroff and Dr. Gerard Wasselle, has years of experience and reliable results in providing dental implants in Fort Lauderdale.   Dental implants are small, biocompatible posts surgically inserted into the jawbone. They act as artificial tooth roots, providing a secure foundation for a dental crown (the visible tooth replacement). The result? A natural-looking, fully functional tooth that can last a lifetime.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer a multitude of benefits:

  • Improved Appearance: Dental implants look and function just like natural teeth, restoring your smile's confidence and beauty.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Enjoy your favorite foods again! Dental implants allow for proper chewing, improving digestion and overall well-being.
  • Long-Term Health Benefits: Dental implants prevent bone loss in the jaw, which can occur with traditional dentures.
  • Simple Procedure: Dental implant surgery is a well-established procedure with a high success rate.
  • Longevity: Dental implants are built to last, offering a permanent solution for missing teeth.

Can Dental Implants Replace My Missing Teeth?

Dental implants offer a variety of solutions depending on your needs. Single crown implants replace individual missing teeth, providing the most natural look and function. For several missing teeth in a row, implant-supported bridges are a great option, anchoring a bridge of permanent teeth to implants for stability and aesthetics. Implant-supported dentures offer a secure solution for those missing most or all of their teeth. These dentures clip onto strategically placed implants, eliminating the slipping and discomfort associated with traditional dentures. Finally, All-on-4s are a revolutionary technique that utilizes just four implants to support a full arch of permanent teeth for a complete smile restoration.

Considering Dental Implant Alternatives?

While dental implants offer numerous advantages, they aren't the only option for tooth replacement. We understand every patient's needs are unique. During a dental implant consultation at Excellence in Dentistry, we'll discuss all available solutions, including dentures and bridges, to find the perfect fit for your smile and budget.

Taking the First Step

Don't settle for a smile you're not happy with. Contact Excellence in Dentistry at 954-928-1666 today to schedule a dental implant consultation and find out how dental implants can restore your smile and improve your quality of life.   Stop searching for "dental implants in Florida" or "tooth replacement dentist near me" and and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by scheduling your appointment with Dr. Nancy Rotroff or Dr. Gerard Wasselle.  Our team will discuss your individual needs and goals, answer any questions you may have, and determine if dental implants are the right choice for you. We are dedicated to providing exceptional care and achieving optimal results.