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During a first impression what does your smile say about you?

A recent American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey indicates 48% of adults believe a smile is the most memorable trait after first meeting someone. The report indicates a smile is more memorable than the first thing you say, what you wear or how you smell.  When you encounter a new person who seems relaxed and approachable with a genuine smile, it is shown that you are more likely to presume the person to be trustworthy and form favorable feelings about them. Strong and bright teeth also communicate vitality and regard for personal hygiene.   People with a flawed smile  (missing, chipped, gapped, misshapen or crooked teeth) are seen to be less attractive  and less confident than those with perfect teeth. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry has been helping individuals correct or enhance their smiles, boost their confidence, and even change lives! If you feel apprehensive about sharing your smile, select the best cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale to help you transform your smile.  Dr. Nancy Rotroff and Dr. Gerard Wasselle have helped numerous people in south Florida transform their smiles.

How does your smile affect your life?

Research has shown that 70% of people with “bad teeth” say it has negatively impacted their personal lives. In order to hide their dental problems, many people shy away from smiling .  Unfortunately, the lack of smiling contributes to negative first impressions and more difficulty in social interactions.  The underlying lack of confidence due to "bad teeth"  contributes to a decreased desire to socialize. 

Recent research has shown that people who regularly missed their regular appointments for dental checkup and cleaning were more prone to gum disease, cavities, tooth loss, or other oral health issues because avoiding visits to your dentist only exacerbates dental problems.  The research went on to show those who neglected their oral health were also more likely to be in poorer overall health. People who have a healthy, beautiful smile are more likely to also take better care of their bodies and be happier and than people who do not. Your smile is important to both your overall health as well as your happiness!

How can you improve your smile?

Cost: $$$

Clear aligner (braces)

Clear aligners (Invisalign, Clear Correct, Smart Moves) are good options for straigthening teeth for people of all ages.  This option is a more discreet method of orthodontia than traditional metal brackets. Clear aligners are custom made from clear material so that the aligners are virtually unnoticeable. 

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best treatment method for the replacement of missing teeth. Your dental implant is custom-designed for your smile to look and feel just like a natural tooth.  In most cases, dental implants are a better treatment option than a dental bridge as they do not lead to bone loss in the jaw.

Cost: $$

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are an excellent way to improve a smile where teeth are stained, gapped, chipped or need to be minimally straightened.  Veneers are very thin porcelain wafers that adhere to the front of your teeth to transform you smile!


Dental crowns have the dual benefit of both supporting the underlying tooth structure as well as enhancing the aesthetics of your smile. At Excellence in Dentistry, our dentists use the highest quality materials and dental labs to create restorations that are strong, natural-looking and beautiful.

Cost: $

Teeth Whitening

Our in-office treatment whitens your teeth up to eight shades lighter. Stubborn stains are removed leaving your teeth whiter and brighter.  Professional whitening lasts much longer than over-the-counter products.

Dr. Nancy Rotroff and Dr. Gerard Wasselle want you to know that oral health is not just about a bright smile; it is linked to your overall health in many ways. Heavy bacteria loads or infection in the mouth can travel to other body systems, causing inflammation and illness.  Twice daily teeth-brushing and daily flossing is an integral part of your oral hygiene routine. Visiting your dentist in Fort Lauderdale twice per year for your dental examination and professional dental cleaning, is another important part of your oral hygiene routine.

You only get one chance at first impressions.  Select the best dentists to help you achieve your dream smile. Nancy Rotroff, DDS, MAGD and Gerard Wasselle, DMD, at Excellence in Dentistry, want to partner with you to achieve optimal oral health and a bright, beautiful, confident smile that creates a positive first impression.  Contact our friendly staff at 954-928-1666 to schedule your appointment today!

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