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All On Four Dental Implants are Better Option Than Dentures.

Do you hide your smile because of missing teeth? Is your quality of life affected by ill-fitting dentures? While you have several options to replace your missing teeth, your dentist in Fort Lauderdale wants you to know the one option that stands out as unquestionably the best :  dental implants.

What makes dental implants the best tooth replacement option?

In restorative dentistry, a new technology has changed how we replace missing teeth. A dental implant is a small, screw-like post inserted into your jaw that replaces the root of your missing tooth.  Implants are usually made of titanium because this metal is biocompatible with your bone.  Your Fort Lauderdale dentist places your dental implant, and it fuses with the bone in your jaw in a process called osseointegration.  Once the implant is secure, it can support a prosthetic, either a crown, a bridge or a denture, that will replace your visible tooth structure.  Nancy Rotroff, DDS, MAGD and Gerard Wasselle, DMD, use the highest quality materials and labs so your restoration will look like your natural teeth. 

Dental implants are a superior tooth replacement option to conventional dental bridge or denture because they not only replace the visible portion of your tooth structure, they also replace the root.  This is important in maintaining bone levels in your jaw.  During normal chewing,  your jawbone receives stimulation which strengthens and preserves the bone.  Patients with missing teeth experience bone loss because the roots of your teeth are no longer present to keep bone stimulated.  Without that pressure, the bone resorbs into the body.  In the first year after you lose a tooth, you lose 25% of the bone surrounding the extraction site and the loss will continue over time.  Because implants replace your tooth's root, they stimulate the bone and help prevent bone loss.

What makes all-on-4 implants the better than dentures?

Your dentists on Commercial Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale may recommend all-on-4 implants because they are ideal for patients who are missing an entire arch of teeth (all of your upper teeth or all of your lower teeth).  All-on-4  is a state-of-the-art  tooth replacement method in which a full arch of dentures is secured to four strategically-embedded dental implants.  Unlike conventional dentures which can slip and require restrictions to the foods you can enjoy, implant supported dentures act and feel like your natural teeth.  

Dentures today are not like the ones your grandparents wore.  We use the latest technology and materials to ensure a perfect fit and lifelike appearance. You will be pleased and feel confident with a natural and healthy looking new smile. 


What are the Benefits of All-on-4 Implants 

All-on-4 dental implants have multiple advantages over dental bridge or denture :

  1. You brush and floss just like your natural teeth.
  2. You do not remove them. They are permanent. 
  3. You do not need denture adhesives.
  4. You will not experience pressure or sore spots on your gums.
  5. Your dental implants maintain bone health by preventing bone deterioration.  
  6. Dental implants support your facial features and improve your appearance. 
  7. You do not have dietary limitations because you can bite and chew with more force with dental implants. 

If you are suffering with tooth loss or ill-fitting dentures, All-on-4 dental implants are an effective and efficient alternative to dentures offering a more comfortable and secure arch of new teeth. These dental implants look, feel, and function like your natural teeth.  Best of all, all on 4 dental implants can give you perfect teeth for your dream smile that will last a lifetime.  Call Excellence in Dentistry at 954-928-1666 to schedule a consultation to discuss how all-on-4 dental implants can restore your smile.  Dr. Nancy Rotroff and Dr. Gerard Wasselle are highly trained and skilled to provide you with the best outcome. Our office is conveniently located at 2480 E. Commercial Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale.

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